Aberystwyth Skatepark / Parc Kronberg
600m2 Blue Grey Granite paving, 265lm Black Basalt Kerbs, 82no Blue Grey Granite seating blocks, 6no polished Blue Grey Granite benchtops with legs
Town Council secured a Big Lottery Fund grant for the revamp of Parc
Kronberg skateboard park. The state of the park had been declared as
dangerous, with many in the skating community expressing their
frustration at the lack of facility.
planned revamp was great news for the local community, with plans to
transform the existing run-down metal skatepark and surrounding
wasteland into a space that incorporates a new state of the art
skatepark, walkways, bike paths, community seating and a children's
play park.
Stone Commercial Division worked in conjunction with Freestyle Skateparks to specify the skate benches for this exciting park.
Various materials were discussed, with a blue-grey Chinese granite
being the final choice.
600m2 of Blue-grey granite paving and 265lm of black basalt kerb was
supplied for the walkway leading to the park. Polished Blue Grey
Granite benches can be found along the walkway which is encouraged
for both seating and skating. Further walkways feature several
solid curved sinuous benches made in several sections.
CED Stone Landscape Depot also supplied CEDEC Red and Gravelsafe.
is a very exciting project for us to have been involved with and will
be enjoyed for years to come.
Hulton Landscapes