CED Stone Inspiring Beautiful Landscapes

Ruskin Square, Croydon


Caithness rockery and paving, Grampian Granite paving, Cornish Silver Grey Granite paving and kerbs, CEDEC Silver footpath gravel, Red Granite gravel


There's nothing better than natural stone from the UK used in landscapes that show off their qualities in the best way possible. A brilliant example is this communal stone sculpture at one of London's most diverse developments.

Connecting the town centre and the train station at Ruskin Square in Croydon, this creative space commissioned by muf architecture/art 'reverses the supply chains' and focuses on the raw materials of building developments and their 'un-made' state.

The team wanted to create a communal space to be enjoyed by adults and children alike, and they envisioned a rockery area that would look like a natural rock face when viewed from the surrounding high-rise flats and buildings.

CED Stone Group supplied large blocks of Caithness stone, selected straight from the quarry in Scotland by the architects. A dramatic, moving effect was created by taking advantage of the material's flat surfaces; The blocks rise out of the trees and planting, into a craggy peak. Red granite gravel was resin bonded to form porous paving and used around the trees. Naturally rounded, this gravel works well used in this way as it provides voids when bonded together.

Grampian Granite paving quarried and worked in North East Scotland has a variable buff-pink colour that gives the project a lively, flowing look. Depending on the finish chosen, the colour can vary from greys to browns, yellows to buffs and pinks. Cornish Silver Grey Granite paving and kerbs contrast with the deep grey of the Caithness, giving brightness and light to the overall scheme whilst keeping to a similar palette.

The main route from the town centre and train station uses the same paving materials with CEDEC Silver Footpath gravel used in the tree pits.

Commercial products used:
De Lank
Caithness Flagstone
Grampian Granite

Designer: muf Architecture

Oliver Connell & Sons

Contractor: Oliver Connell & Sons