CED Stone Inspiring Beautiful Landscapes

Newbury‚ The Broadway

Following the succesful experience with porphyry in the market place‚ Italian porphyry was again chosen for The Broadway‚ a small but interesting scheme.

It included a simple area of paving but also a much more challenging circle and bands of setts across busy roads. Because of the large number of buses and the previous experience in the market place‚ it was realised at the outset that the technical issues had to be mastered.

The setts had to be 150mm square in plan with a depth of at least 150mm and the channel is the same depth. The concrete runs at one level throughout and with reinforcement is raised up around the outside of the material‚ in effect to provide a concrete dish in which the material is retained‚ the concrete being hidden under the tarmac wearing course. It is a really good example of how to lay material successfully for the long term.

The use of Steintec mortars and their advice on detailing has proved invaluable. We can supply the right materials but they are only successful in traffic if correctly engineered and then installed as specified.

Volker Highways

Contractor: Volker Highways

  • Newbury‚ The Broadway
  • Newbury‚ The Broadway
  • Newbury‚ The Broadway