Gardens & Patios
Make Your Garden A Spectacular Summer Retreat.
Post date: 20 Jun, 2023
Summer is here and the garden beckons, but is your garden summer ready?
We've put together some ideas and recommendations on how to make your garden a spectacular summer retreat.
Exploring Colour
Post date: 02 Apr, 2022
The colours you use in your garden should be as considered as the colour you paint your living room walls. In this blog post we explore colour and their effects when used in the garden.
Things To Consider When Choosing Paving
Post date: 23 Mar, 2022
When choosing a paving
material, many people tend to concentrate on the garden's style.
However, a good garden designer will emphasize the importance of
considering how you will use the garden. Different materials have
distinct properties that can affect the functionality of the space. This article gives guidance on considerations which should be made when choosing paving for your outdoor space.
Historic Charm
Post date: 12 Feb, 2021
Stone has a wonderful tendency to improve in appearance over time; many streets in our British towns and cities have been laid for hundreds of years with lumpy, worn cobbles and aged paving flags. These stones have been naturally weathered over years of use by crowds, market carts, wagons and stage coaches; so using reclaimed stone is guaranteed to bring a special and historic character to your landscape.
Post date: 07 Mar, 2019
Pathways have a multitude of purposes in landscape design; they lead, join, define and balance. A path must be practical, but it can also be beautiful, eye-catching, or even playful! When considering natural stone paving to build your walkway, there is no end to the different designs you can make. We’ve put together this list of natural stone products that you can use to create a beautiful and long-lasting garden path.