Victoria Park Mazda: A Front Garden
Project year: 2015
Posted: 13 Jan, 2016
Bronze Medal
Victoria Park Mazda
Front gardens are so often overlooked as a space to enjoy, so often paved over depriving nature and plants of a place to thrive in our urban areas, but the reality is that they are walked through every day of the year, whatever the weather and time of day.
This garden, inspired by the launch of the new Mazda 2 which is celebrated for its eco-credentials, demonstrates that front gardens can still look great while fulfilling all the practical requirements that modern-day urban living demands. Permeable surfaces can look stylish and clever storage options provide solutions for hiding away the less attractive items such as wheelie bins and recycling boxes. Often undervalued and underused, this design seeks to inspire more homeowners to create their own front garden in a way that shows off their home and makes them smile whenever they arrive at their front door.
Images courtesy of Lisa Cox
Products used:
Temple Setts - Yellow Granite
Buff Flint Gravel
Imperial Paving - Yellow Granite
SH Landscapes
Jonathan Blackburn