Belvoir Castle Flower & Garden Show Design & Build Competition
Post date: 14 Jan, 2021
Call for competition entries
CED Stone are delighted to support this exciting garden show now in its fourth consecutive year, with a competition for budding new garden designers and landscapers to show what they can achieve in a small garden using CED Stone products
The competition to design and build a show garden is open to anyone involved in garden design and landscaping. There will be one winner who will receive:
- Winners plaque
- Recognition and coverage for all the exhibitors involved
- The opportunity to meet potential new customers
- The opportunity to be creative, do something a little different and start your show garden career
- A grant of £250 to help you cover the costs of materials needed which cannot be supplied by CED Stone Group ie planting/timber etc.
- Your show garden will also be entered into the judging for the Duchess of Rutland’s Trophy and into the show’s other awards categories.
The Brief
The Belvoir Flower and Garden Festival takes place on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th July 2021 and is located in the Capability Brown parkland of the beautiful Belvoir Castle.
We want you to design a garden that shows off your skills to visitors on a theme of ‘Tranquility’. Show us your perfect garden space, one that leads to a sense of tranquility and a peaceful state of mind. You might decide to create a Japanese style garden, choose plants and textures which stimulate the senses, or perhaps base your design around a water feature.
The Build
You will be given a 4m x 5m plot with a raised border, to design, landscape, plant and finish to show standard. You will have five days to install your design into the pre-prepared designated area. The design needs to take into consideration NO excavation is allowed on the historical site, all show gardens must be built upwards, a full list of conditions will be supplied by the show organiser.
The gardens are to be completed no later than 6pm on the Friday evening including tidy up. Gardens must be sealed off from public. Further information will be sent to the successful applicant.
The breakdown of the garden is the sole responsibility of the winning participant. All CED Stone materials and those purchased with the competition grant are part of the prize and are yours to keep, or perhaps you could relocate the garden to a charitable cause.
How To Enter
Your submission should be no more than one A3 page and should include:
- An outline drawing of your idea including an elevation of the design and a brief description of your narrative or story.
- A mood board showing an idea of the stone and plants you will use.
- The design can include any of the materials from the list attached.
Entries should be submitted by 31st March 2021.
Remember that we are only looking for a concept design at this stage and the winner will be asked to liaise with the show’s office regarding access etc.
The show’s office can also help you with advice on sourcing material and plants locally if this is required.
If you are selected as the winner you will be included in all pre and post show promotions and we will also supply a display board alongside the garden so that people can find out all about you.
Please email your submission as a pdf to:
Or send a hard copy to:
CED Stone Group
Marketing Department
728 London Road
West Thurrock
RM20 3LU
The successful design will be selected by CED Stone Group MD – Giles Heap.
Please note:
- 1. Only hard landscaping materials supplied by CED may be used within the garden unless otherwise agreed upon with company representative.
- 2. Materials up to the maximum weight of 9 tonne will be delivered to site FOC for the build, including 2 tonnes of Grit for dry bedding course if required.
- 3. Materials will be delivered on one load by our CED Stone hiab vehicle.
For your design you can select from the following products. We would like to see designs featuring a combination of, or at least one of the three materials below;
- CEDAdrive/CEDApath Gravel Stabilisation System
- Oakio Composite Decking
- Paving from any of the following ranges: Imperial, Sovereign, Indian, Maharajah Porcelain
You can also choose to feature any of our products from the following ranges in your design;
- Setts (exc Clay Pavers)
- Aggregates*
- Cobbles & Pebbles
- Feature Stones
- Paddlestones
- Kerb & Edging
- Steps
- Reclaimed items subject to stock
Remember to take the weight of individual items into consideration. If including rockery/feature stones we recommend nothing larger than two man handleable is selected. There is limited machinery on site and if you include a heavy feature stone in your design lifting equipment must be pre-arrange with the show organiser, or you could create the design in such a way that any feature stones are positioned by our driver on delivery.
*Aggregates you can choose from include:
Black Basalt, Buff Thames, Cotswold, Blue Slate, Plum Slate, Flint Gravel, Golden Flint, Granite, Sea Flint, Silver Grey Granite, White Limestone

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