CED Set To Make The World ‘Better With A Sweater’ This Christmas Jumper Day!
Post date: 07 Dec, 2017
It’s the most magical time of year – fairy lights and snowmen, baubles and Christmas trees. And on 15 December you’ll see them all – on our jumpers. Save the Children is expecting over 5 million people across the UK to take part in the biggest, silliest Christmas Jumper Day yet – and donate £2 a jumper to help children in desperate need around the world. And every jumper really can help saves lives.

The money raised could help give a child living in a refugee camp clothes to keep them warm through winter. It could help buy nutritious food and safe drinking water for a family, or set up a safe space for children caught up is disaster – giving them the chance to be children again. All the money raised will go to Save the Children, helping to make sure every child, no matter where they are in the world, has essentials like healthcare, education, protection, and food and water. If you want to support the CED team, you can make a donation online using http://www.christmasjumperday.org using reference number CJD170037187 or you can also donate £5 by texting TEAMCED to 70050.
Keep up with how our Christmas Jumper day goes by following us on Twitter @CEDNaturalStone or on Instagram @ced_stone_group using #christmasjumperday and #CEDChristmas2017