CED Pathway Leads Visitors Through BBC Gardeners’ World Show Garden : Claudia de Yong
Post date: 14 Jun, 2017
Taking centre stage at BBC Gardeners’ World Live is Romance in the Ruins, a large show garden for Wyevale by the talented designer Claudia de Yong – and one that visitors can get up close and personal with, thanks in part to the footpath gravel donated by CED.
Claudia’s design cleverly portrays the courtyard garden of an old castle, that has been left neglected for years but is now well-tended and is slowly coming back to life.

This scented garden features two tumbled down turrets, with ‘ruined’ walls, enclosed on two sides by hedging. Water cascades into a small pond from the back turret. A rose-covered pergola rises above an eye-catching gravel pathway that leads visitors through the garden, or to sit down and enjoy the space on two metal benches.

The pathway was designed to match the romantic theme of the garden and is made from CED’s Golden Amber Footpath Gravel. After speaking with CED Stone’s newest depot, Corfe Stone based in Hooton, Cheshire, Claudia said: “I chose the gravel specifically as I thought it had a lovely, slightly crumbly texture and would fit well with the Medieval look of the garden. I’m so pleased with it.” Corfe Stone is CED’s new North West depot which was aquired earlier this year along with the experienced staff team.

Unusually for a show garden, it will be open for show visitors to walk through so they can smell the scents of the roses and see for themselves how they can recreate the look in their own garden space – and feel the gravel under their feet!

Claudia won the People’s Choice Award for her Urban Nature garden at last year’s show. You can visit ‘Romance In The Ruins’ this week at the BBC Gardener’s World Live show from the 15th - 18th of June at the NEC Birmingham – visit www.bbcgardenersworldlive.com for more information.
Designer: Claudia de Yong
Contractor: Twigs and Big Fish Landscapes
Sponsors: Wyevale Garden Centres
Materials: Golden Amber Footpath Gravel