CED Stone Join Forces With Olicana Mosaics Helping Create Two Award Winning Gardens at Harrogate
Post date: 12 Nov, 2014
Olicana Mosaics is successfully run by David James, who designs and creates detailed mosaics for use in landscape design. David specifically creates the pieces with flat surfaces so that they are easy to walk and drive on and can therefore be used in place of a pathway or a paving slab. He also makes them in multiple pieces that fit together, so that they can be conveniently transported and installed later on. Olicana Mosaics received Gold awards at each of this years Harrogate Flower Shows.
David often uses CED Stone Groups pebbles in his mosaics and initially made contact with CED’s Head Office to enquire about featuring his work on their website in 2013. After further communications, CED foundout about his plans to exhibit at the RHS Harrogate Flower Show in April 2014. After the event, CED were keen to find out how he got on, and were pleased to hear that Olicana Mosaics achieved a Gold Award for their Stand.

David, said: “Most of my commissions are word of mouth, so it was quite daunting exhibiting at Harrogate. The response from the public and the trade has been fantastic, and well worth all the hard work that went into it.”

Following the Spring show, Olicana Mosaics revealed their plans to exhibit at the Autumn Harrogate Flower Show. CED Stone Group wanted to support Olicana Mosaics, so decided to donate a range of pebbles including; Green Aegean, Polished White, Red Angel Stones, Flat Greys and Black Aegean. An intricate hand-crafted mosaic took centrepiece of ‘The Artisan Mosaic Garden’. Much to CED’s and David’s delight, the garden went on to win another Gold Award.

David was stunned and proud and said: “The Harrogate Spring Flower show this year was the first time I had exhibited my mosaic garden features; I wasthrilled to receive a Gold award for the display. After the show, I was invited to submit a design to feature in one of the show gardens at the Autumn Flower show. In the mean time examples of my work were displayed at both RHS Chelsea and RHS Hampton Court Flower Shows. Not only was the design for a Show Garden selected, but after a seven-day build the team and I were very pleased to be awarded a second Gold in six months. All of this could not have been possible without the support and sponsorship of CED.”

CED Stone Group are proud to have been given the opportunity to be involved with such an artistic designer who utilised pebbles in such an unusual manner that they became the main focus of a garden. For this unconventional use of pebbles to receive such a huge amount of recognition and to achieve Gold Awards at the Harrogate Flower Show is inspiring. It opens the mind to a world of creativity and shows the range of things that can be done with natural stone. CED would like to congratulate David and Olicana Mosaics for their success and look forward to working with them in the future. David James in his winning Garden at the Autumn Harrogate Flower Show
You can find out more about Olicana Mosaics by visiting their website:http://www.olicanamosaics.co.uk/index.html